Friday, December 16, 2022

First Step

This Time (UGH)...I'm recovering from the shock faster. Thankfully. Last Time (UGH), it was many months before I could breathe, eat, think...I slept all the time because it was easier than facing the royal mess that came from Himself's lack of a will and a bunch of unresolved debt. Scary stuff, that was, and I was wholly unprepared for any of it. 

This Time (UGH), I have to say it's been much smoother. I almost said easier but that's not really the case. Just...different. Capt had a will. He'd set me up on all the financial stuff so I could know exactly what was what with no surprises. He talked to people about the sale of his stuff, of which I had no use (boat, fishing gear, etc). It's all gone very smoothly and that has made the whole thing so much easier to bear. Thank you, Capt, for that final amazing gift. 

Now I am doing the things he told me to do. He was very firm about it. Oh sure, I could ignore his order (and that's what it was, not a polite request) and go do my thing and he'd be none the wiser...or if he did know, he's too busy being fully restored to bother with the likes of me. But no, his request/order was a sensible one...still is. So I am doing it. 

"Go see the world" he said. "I want you to use the money to travel. Fill up your passport." He knew it was a dream of mine, and he has made it possible. And to that end, I'm making plans, and not just "oh wouldn't it be nice to see (enter some other country)" Nope. Yesterday I got with a friend via text (what an amazing thing that is). I got online to a hotel in... (Wait for it....) Barcelona, Spain! My friend requested The Good Room- that overlooks this Gaudi-designed cathedral, WITH breakfast included. I am not a Good Room kind of person. I'm a Cheap Room person, with granola bars and bananas for breakfast. Then I thought about Capt. He also was a Good Room person, and thought granola bars were gross. So, I held my breath and reserved The Good Room. Then I thought about how amazing a morning in Spain will be with good coffee on the balcony, amazing view and all. Thank you, Capt, for showing me it's OK sometimes, to get the Good Room. And thank you, friend, for reminding me of that. So here we are, scheduled for a Springtime trip to Spain....10 days worth! What I'm doing it. The mind boggles. I'm actually DOING IT.  A  REAL THING. 

This is it! The hotel looks out at this!

I'll figure out where to go next after that. I have a list. 

Northern Lights in Iceland.

Whiskey in Scotland

Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem

Paella in Portugal


(no particular order)

Honestly, the hardest part of doing a new thing, for me, is getting started. It's like I have to make the step and be assured I won't implode, but once that first step in made, I'm ready. I can do it. The decision is the hardest part. 

So now, I'm going to brush up on Spanish so I don't say "My grandmother is a banana" when I need to use the facilities. It could happen.

Wish me luck. 

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