One of the typical ways grief happens (and I know there's a more elegant way to say that, but I can't remember it right now), is in waves. At first, they're constant and overwhelming, over and over and over again and you can't catch your breath or think. Gradually, as time passes, the waves are less intense, further apart, and even there's calm spots between them. That's how it's been. I've breathed, gotten some things done, thought about the past without feeling like I wanted to crawl in a cave or throw up.
That said, there are things called "rogue waves"...if you're on a boat, a rogue wave can come along out of nowhere and upset the whole thing. Same with grief. I've been rocking along, doing "well", getting some things done and learning Spanish. But the past few days...ooh boy. Rogue Wave.
And the heck of it is, being a Double Widow, the grief of my most recent loss has reactivated the grief from losing Himself so I get to have Grief Squared. Talk about messed up. My emotional equilibrium is all a-kilter and I've been going from feeling stunned (same as the first few days right after both Himself and Capt passed away) to wanting to crawl in a cave and throw up. Food....gross. Get it away from me. Sleep...yes please. And lots of it. Please, ANYTHING to get my mind into another direction. I know it will pass, and I'm being patient about it.
I just want to try to explain it.
I know God knows what's going on. He knows grief far more than anyone of us can imagine. I know that, and it makes it possible to talk to Him about it. But there's still dumb little things that will set me off. Finding a bottle of cocktail sauce. Capt loved steamed shrimp and cocktail sauce. Catching a whiff of smoke from a good cigar. Himself loved a good cigar now and then and I got to approve which ones. Daffodils, Himself's favorite flowers, are blooming now. So. Many. Things. Even right now, putting it all down in words, is making me get chokey.
I want to play a pity party...but c'mon. That's silly. Lots of people go through things. I'm not special. But I miss them both. So much.
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